Recording Project
Coming Soon
I am excited about our newest recording project. Some clips of the songs will be included here on my website for you to enjoy. Please check back for download samples.
Letter of Recomendation
Being the son of a pastor and growing up in a pastors home, one of the things I learned was when it comes to inviting guest evangelist, singing groups, etc., Dad always guarded the pulpit. He looked for ministers with integrity and practiced what they preach or sing. That is why it is without reservation I would like to take this time to highly recommend to you Allan Gibbs, Allan Gibbs Ministries for your next revival, gospel sing, homecoming, etc.
Allan is the real deal! I've been fortunate to have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with this man and His precious wife Tena and I am proud to say they have always presented themselves in a Christ like manner. While others may be busy seeking fame or fortune, I can honestly say I know this man's heart. His primary mission is to evangelize the lost and to encourage the discouraged presenting the gospel in song and through God's Holy Word!
Allan possesses one of the most unique voices I've ever heard. His smooth vocals flow effortlessly with an anointing and heartfelt conviction. He preaches the gospel message with love, power, authority and demonstration of the spirit!
Allan has been faithfully serving God for many years and it's amazing to see how The Lord continues to poor out blessings and open new doors for this Man of God to be used.
I have traveled for 25 plus years in full time gospel music ministry. I've been blessed to work for some of the most recognizable names in gospel music and I can tell you in all my travels there have been less than a handful of people who have touched my heart and have had a positive impact on my life like Allan Gibbs! I'm proud to call Him my Brother and my best friend. If your looking for someone to come minister at your church, regardless of your denomination who you can trust and will truly be a blessing, then I would prayerfully ask you to consider Allan Gibbs, Allan Gibbs Ministries. I promise you will not regret it!
Blessings, David Folenius: CEO Lineage of David.